time2roll wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
Didn't know you were an expert on RV park power systems. Please explain to me how our electrical system can just add the loads associated with charging EVs without the need to upgrade the system?
When you are 2/3rds empty and I want to pull 20 or 30 amps out of your 50 amp outlet I think you will take my $50 site fee. So charge an extra $30 ($50?) for the 150 kWh fill up.
Can I use your laundry at $5.00 a load too or will that melt your transformer?
No, I won't be allowing you to recharge your vehicles if I am empty, 2/3rds empty or full. It isn't a business I am interested in having or an amenity I am willing to provide. I don't allow the public to use my laundry either.
What I find amusing is on one hand you seem to think EVs are the future, yet on the other hand you believe that one off recharging locations will be the answer to the biggest barrier to widespread adaptation. Scaling a business requires major changes and the recharging infrastructure is going to be the single biggest barrier to EVs.
With the very insignificant numbers of EVs today, the electrical grid can handle the loads. It is very questionable if that would remain true should the percentage of EVs on the road rise from less than 1 percent to something approaching 50 percent. You can get by with the inconveniences of recharging, because the early adopters knowingly accept those issues. A current owner of an EV can probably cobble their way across the country using the existing infrastructure, but they surely won't have options for refueling that the Internal combustion engine crowd has. Using your example and limiting your travel to times the RV parks aren't busy, yet are physically open, is going to severely impact travel opportunities. There are major issues that need to be overcome before EVs take over the highways and byways. Charging at an RV park isn't going to be the linchpin that solves those issues.