Hanchett is currently in discussion with a number of unnamed Chinese battery suppliers who he believes will provide what’s needed for the Atlis XT truck to meet its long-range, quick-charging targets. The company’s staff will grow but not by a lot. He said that he’s already receiving resumes from experienced industry professionals looking to join Atlis.
Well this alarm went off for me. He doesnt have any new technology that he has developed. He is going to the open market to find batteries and "believes" they can hit the range and quick charge goals. So the discussion we had earlier about the Gov. hiding advanced EV tech as a reason no one is aware of this range and quick charge capability becomes more clear. He doesnt have any tech himself, but rather is hoping someone else does.
Some of his other ideas about truck design and ordering are outside of the box and may have value. We will see what happens, but this guy has Musk's motivation but not the bank account or the talent. If by chance he actually builds and patents some game changing tech, he will get bought out by a much bigger fish. Maybe that is his end goal.