Forum Discussion

DoubleB20's avatar
Feb 25, 2014

New member, need assistance

Howdy, I'm a new TC owner and I have a couple of questions. I traded some work for this TC and it came with no owners manual. It's a 1998 Fleetwood Angler. First question; how do you switch on the 12 volt system? Lights and everything work if plugged into shore power. I can't find a switch anywhere. There are two 12 volt deep cycle batteries on board. Second question; I can't locate an inverter, there's a solar power box, used to charge the battery, I assume, and there's a circuit breaker panel with 3 small flat automotive fuses and three "normal" looking circuit breakers.

There's a plug, looks like gooseneck trailer plug, that's too short right now, maybe that's the secret to the 12 v. Question.

Sorry for the long post, I appreciate any assistance from you knowledgeable folks. I live in Fort Worth, Texas. If you're ever down this way, stop by and we'll have a cold drink.
  • Well lets start with basics here. You need an inexpensive meter to see what is going on.

    1) Measure the battery voltage with nothing connected.
    2) Measure the battery voltage with the camper plugged into the wall
    3) Measure the battery voltage with the camper connected to the truck and the truck is running.

    From that you will be able to tell if the truck system is charging the battery, and if the external 120 volt plug and the CONVERTER is charging the battery.
  • Oh and one other thing, if I may... This TC has a "pop up" top and you have crank the top to get the TC to full height. The crank is stripped, anyone know where I can find another one? I'll probably have to get a machine shop to build me one. Thought maybe you fella might know of a used place that might have one. Have a great day!
  • Thanks a bunch fellas. There are two batteries, one is brand new and is set up to be charged from the solar panel, however, it's not connected at the moment. I've looked in all the compartments for a switch, but haven't found one. I'll look again. I'll also pull a cover off a light and see if the bulbs are 12 or 110 v. I've had campers before that had two switches, one for 12v and one for 110 v but this camper only has one switch. I'll connect the solar panel, check the batteries and go from there. Thanks again!
  • Lights are generally 12 volt bulbs. When you plug into AC, the inverter provides power to charge the 12 volt system. If you have no lights when not plugged in, the batteries need charged or are bad and won't take a charge. Its probably a good idea to change the batteries if you don't know old they are.

    The plug usually is added to the drivers side of the bed, so the cords are usually about 8 ft or so. It is to control outside markers, turn signals, etc. Usually separate than the 12 volt system unless setup to charge batteries while driving.
  • check all the outside boxes for that push in/out switch. as my old six pac was in the water connection box..
  • DoneItAll wrote:
    Welcome to the forum.

    In the battery box, there may be a push-pull type of switch that disconnects the 12 volt supply.


  • Welcome to the forum.

    In the battery box, there may be a push-pull type of switch that disconnects the 12 volt supply.

  • Welcome to the forum. I'm not familiar with TC's so, I really can't answer your question.

    Are your batteries charged?

    The 12 Volt Side of Life is interesting and helpful to understand 12 volt systems.

    I'm sure someone will have a better answer for you.

    Enjoy your travels.