Me Again wrote:
Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
Me Again wrote:
icanon wrote:
And if Trump builds his wall how are you going to get your trucks over it? ??????
Driving bringing NAFTA allowed Taco 6.7 Power Strokes North.
LAM leaves St. Louis for Mexico
Also don't forget all those Chrysler dealers that where forced to close during the Chrysler bail out.
Or the GM dealers that were forced to close during the GM bail out. Selective memory there Troy. Love the no response to the link I posted about your All American Company Troy.
Ford has moved it's F650/F750 plant from mexico to the US... Good Job!
Please don't confuse him with facts, he may spin complete out of control.
The fact is this a LAM thread... Not a GM or Ford as some would like to spin it. Doesn't change the fact Ford trucks are the most American made trucks on the road today and GM is moving the truck production to the states. That leaves Lam trucks the only truck built in mexico that's owned by a foreign company... your move Sergio... Thank you very much! :B
I will say Sergio better get that redesign done before the Chinese take over his company. :W At least that's the rumor on the street.