I agree 100%. Why should the users of a government provided service or amenity be expected to pay anything for that service. The costs of everything should be paid for by someone other than me. Tax the living crud out of everyone who makes more money than me and give me every service for free. That is a tax system I can really support.
There is no need for oil production, timber harvesting and mineral extraction. The idiots that run the government can just go buy their gas at the gas station like the rest of us. Who would think it makes sense to dig up the ground to get copper ore to make pipes when you can just go to Home Depot and buy pipes off the shelf? Same with cutting down trees to make lumber, the shelves at Home Depot are full boards and there is not a cut down tree in sight.
And while we are at it, farming should be forbidden as well. It is not necessary to grow and then kill cows, pigs, chickens and all the other farm animals. There is plenty of meat at the butcher counter at the local supermarket. A whole lot of problems would just go away if people would use common sense.