And a little followup to what Marty said regarding the Kumho, if you look on the tire rack site, they give all the specs for the different sizes of these tires. Among the issue of size, that "could" be of concern on some trailers, is the overall diameter, if there is limited clearance above the tire in the fenderwell. It was an issue on my trailer ( funfinder ), so I am using the Kumho in a 185-14, which as it turns out is two tenths ( .2" )of an inch smaller in diameter than the 205-75-14 ST that came from the factory. The Kumho is an "82 series" tire. I measured the tread width where it touches the ground, and this 185 is right at one half inch narrower as far as tread on the ground vs the old 205.
Re Maxxis, for some interesting reading, do a search for Maxxis Airstream, and poke around on the airforums website to get a feel for what those owners have experienced.