Forum Discussion

ifd22's avatar
Aug 31, 2016

New to me 2007 Ram

Finally upgraded from my Tundra (after seven years of absolutely trouble free service, towing at or near its limits)
The 8 miles to the gallon with a fuel tank with 20 usable gallons finally wore on me though so I went Diesel
New truck is a 20071/2 Ram 2500 quadcab CTD 4x2 with 75,000 miles. I've had the camper behind it once, and although not that much of a difference in regards to handling, the difference between the engines was night and day. The Tundra never felt like it lacked power, but you could tell it was working hard. The CTD on the other hand pulled with little effort.

I hope the new truck is as reliable. I've worked with Diesels all my life at work, this is the first one I've owned though.

I know fuel filter, air filter and oil changes are very important with these newer Diesel engines. Is there anything else I should be concerned about. The maintenance history I got with the truck is very little. I plan on performing all of the routiine stuff in the next couple of weeks.
  • Congratulations, I made a similar switch to a 2004.5 model.

    My son bought the same truck new with the 6.7 and DPF except 4WD. The engine was strong enough and reliable although he had a lot of emission codes. He did have to replace an intake heating grid. His fuel economy was poor and he was not happy about it. Once his warranty ran out at 100k he had all the emission stuff removed or bypassed and with a mild chip or flash installed. The engine came alive, more response, more power and almost double the fuel economy. You couldn't pry it away from him now.

    I've heard you have to run them hard to keep the DPF clean.

    75k now should enable you to drive that truck for a lot of years. Enjoy.
  • Ok thanks. I read where running the EB keeps the turbo clean. I also read about the high idle and the fog lights on with high beams. I'll have the dealer do that next time I'm there, which I hope is a long while.
    Is there any other engine benefits by using the EB?
  • Run with the EB on all the time, except in snowy conditions. If its an automatic, be sure to not lug it. Basically drive it like you stole it. There are two features a deaper can turn on for you if your interested. High idle, and daylight running lights. High idle frature helps in warm up on cold mornings.