Reddog1 wrote:
I am a bit confused. By the door decal, I am overloaded by about 1600 pounds. I have been with this for over 180,000 miles. My truck has over 265,000 miles, and still going strong. I also have a Toyota, and had to rebuild the engine well before 150,000 miles, and it only had to carry itself at less than 4,200 pounds.
My confusion is why I should think the Toyota is a better machine than the Dodge 2500 diesel? Should I mention, my Dodge 2500 with TC (10,400 lbs) gets 12 MPG, and the Toyota (4200 lbs) gets 14 MPG.
You are part of the one percent of Toyota owners who have engine failure before 200k miles and part of the 60 percent of Dodge owners who don't. (The numbers I am using are made up to illustrate a point. But you get the idea.)
As for the mpg: You realize, of course, that you are comparing a diesel with a gasser. Moreover, our Tundra got 20 mpg without a camper and 18 mpg with a (1000 lb) camper, both better than your 14 mpg. So obviously, there are other factors involved here.