Hello, Franbak13:
I have read your comments and those of others on this site. I am about to purchase my 2nd larger trailer and have done a LOT of research and examination of various sizes.
My opinion is the same of many here: Do NOT do it!
Your trailer choice is far too big to learn with as a 1st time trailer. Further, you face a lot of issues you are not aware of yet.
Among these is the type of vehicle you need to pull this unit; the weight factors involved and hitch systems you need to safety proceed. You also face an issue where the size exceeds what some RV Parks will allow into their sites. They will also charge you more due to its length and weight.
Dry camping in the woods will present problems of their own, in particular locations that have tight roads and no areas to turn around. Backing or turning such a rig requires a lot of training and skill. On a roadway, you often will not have 2nd chances.
Without being rude, I would comment on a 25 year old driver who has perhaps never towed before. It is an art, trust me, and must be learned over many months of focused training, being careful to learn as much as you can about towing such rigs.
I followed the best advice of this group year ago: I bought a 22 foot trailer (interior space) with an overall length of 26.5 feet. It has been perfect to both learn in and to drive as a new owner.
Now I am ready for a larger trailer, but I will not exceed 28-29 feet maximum based on my recent research for the past 8 months.
You are taking on way too much if you do this, frankly.
Take your time, evaluate everything and speak with others who have various size trailers. Make sure you fully understand what it take to tow such a rig. Understand weight ratings, vehicle types and additional equipment such as Weight Distribution hitches plus steering such vehicles.
Once you sign on the dotted line, it is too late. It may prove dangerous for you in the end trying to tow this unit without experience or the right equipment. Start smaller and buy a excellent used rig, not new. You will save thousands.
Good Luck to You!