Forum Discussion

campincory's avatar
Jun 17, 2013

New to us TV overheating??

We recently bought a new to us TV. It is a 2004, 2500HD Silverado w/ the LLY Duramax. We been on three camping trips with it so far. I absolutely love the truck. It is my first diesel and cannot believe the difference in towing. Here's my issue. When we go up hills, the fan comes on like it's overheating. The gauge is straight up in the normal range. I'm not sure if the fan clutch is going out, or if is normal for the fan to come on like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Sounds total normal and expected depending on the load your carrying and ambient temperature. As long the temperature doesn't exceed around 220 for extended periods of time your fine.

    I don't have a duramax currently but my cummins can easily climb to 220 when the fan kicks in and then stays there when pulling heavy up hills (horse trailer wieghing 18k#)

    If your worried take into a dealer and have it checked but I wouldn't worry about it unless temperature starts to rise out of the normal range,
  • The fan comes on to add cooling capacity. It does not indicate overheat. Because it is overdriven, it is quite loud. That is normal for LLY.
  • Yes, normal... The fan needs to engage to keep it from overheating!