I also mounted the StowNGo bracket. Our steps were mounted flush to bumper.
Stock photo shown with the drop mount arms isn't the only option. These are both stock photos.
If you currently have steps mounted flush to bumper they can remain so with Stow-N-Go bracket.
Or you can change how they are mounted.
StowNGo comes with 2 replacement bent horizontal arms to mount steps. Can be used, for flush or drop mounted steps.
Ours is a basement model, distance from door to bumper is a lot so have always mounted steps flush with bumper.
Addition of Stow-N-Go didn't change it (or I wouldn't have mounted).
Mine likely not the best example due to other mods but bracket shown flush to bumper
Only thing to watch is placement of holes for top row of bolts, mine ended up pretty tight.
Just mounted and relation to door. Ease of use, especially on the road amazing.
Not shown but we also use Torklift basement step to split the difference between door and bumper.