First of all I would have a slide topper awning installed if you do not have one already. Why they sell RV's without them I will never know. If you bought the slide in shortly after, or when it was raining, that could easily be the source of the water, which will only be temporary as long as air can get in there. The problem with the front could be a couple of things. First of all I hope the trailer does not have a front window or that could be the issue. Putting windows at the front of RV's is the stupidiest idea they ever came up with. It's like having a hurricane with 70 MPH winds and rain pounding against it. Also, especially if it does not have a wrap around fiberglass nose, it could be the caulking on the side trim. Or it could be the transistion between the roof and the nose. I would get up there and inspect the transition seam. Once it is off warranty, it can be a good idea to run a 4 inch strip of eternabond tape across there.
Or, best case scenario, it couldl be as simple as an access door not sealing properly. That one you can test by playing a hose over it. Even better if soembody can climb inside with a flashlight as you do it.
As somebody else mentioned, on a 3 motnh old trailer, your chance of rot is pretty low. How many houses under construction have you seen sitting in the rain? You need heat and no air circulation for rot. You want this looked at before summer.