Walaby wrote:
guidry wrote:
There is a reason salesmen push leasing over buying; ever wonder why!?
Actually my experience is just the opposite. In my 40 years of adulthood, buying multiple cars I have never had a salesman mention leasing. Im confident the salesman makes more on purchases, as does the dealership.
I can assure you that the salesman and the dealership make every bit as much money on a lease as a sale. In most cases the gross average on a lease will be higher than a purchase. Many salesman do not bring up leases because they are not properly trained on them or their area is not a very lease active area. Leasing is growing rapidly in the past few years and is up to more than 30% of the sales.
The popularity of leasing is very simple. The monthly payment is 30% less than a purchase payment on average. New vehicle loans are now up to an average of 66 months to make the payments affordable for the majority. Most people are never going to pay off the vehicle before trading and will need to make somewhere around 50 payments before they are even in value to balance. People can disparage leasing all they want but, until vehicles start getting cheaper or people start making a lot more money, leasing is a fact of life.