wjlapier wrote:
I’m still here.
Just curious where some of you get your stats re: tire and axle ratings. I look for info and most of the time it’s to buy a truck, or towing. Not too much on payloads. And while I’m at it, how do you determine or know that pulling a car behind the truck with camper won’t affect braking?
We’re still gathering info. We came across this Ford F550 with the flatbed camper. It didn’t look much higher or beefier than our Chevy. The payload is beyond what we need and would love to load up the camper, hook u0 my wife’s car, and go. Not think about weight. Speaking of, we are going through an area where we won’t have water so I plan on filling up the tank. This will add another ~500lbs to our payload. Instead of taking someone’s word I’d like to read something more official, no offense. I do appreciate to comments and ideas, but when it comes to driving a large truck with a large camper I want to feel peace of mind.

All the “stats” are published. Have you ever looked at mfgs towing guides or detailed brochures or looked up the load capacity of a particular size tire?
That said I don’t think med duty trucks publish “payload” per se, but just axle ratings and gvwr. Not hard to figure approximate payload available from that.
But you’re skirting the question about your current truck. You don’t want conjecture but haven’t even alluded to why you think your current Dooley isn’t up to the task.
Regarding the toad, if you’re not comfortable towing a little car w/o brakes, add a brake system.
Good luck in your ventures.