Pretty sure I'm pointing out the obvious but were taking 2 different things here?
1: a monitor or meter, just to see what battery states is (with a low voltage warning device)
2: and battery chargers
Seeing Bedrocker using one I went to the site..funny,as I resembled his comment. I can't see our meter from the dinette side I sit at, she can. Last time I asked 'whats the meter read' her response was "time to switch sides"...
Um WARNING Will Robertson!!! On the sites photo page there are 5 photos that are over 5 MILLION BYTES! Each/ Downloading simultaneously. (average on line photos are in the thousands if not just a few hundred).
Wow...needless to say once my old computer decided to respond I closed page. Definitely want to clear your cache after visiting. Its downloading 30 million bytes. Hopefully not almost finished with an unsaved project in another window when/if you visit that site. Could crash lesser machines..Wow