when breaker tripped ac was running daughter just got out of the shower so im sure hotwater heater was running and wife started the toaster over. thats when all went out. everything has been working fine till then. i have never tried running the camper off of the battery before. when power went out everything went out. when i reset the breaker only microwave came back on. camper is getting power form pedestal because of microwave is on. i will check all grounds. microwave works, no lights ,no air, no plugs , no fridge. really dont think battery is any good. does the converter just step down power for lights? when i plugged the converter into another power supply lights came on. but thats it. so my guess would be that my problem is before the converter because its not getting power by camper. thanks agian for everyones help. i guess i need to get an electrician out to look at it