You have two separate electric systems......
One system is 120V AC.....AC power via cord plugged into a power pedestal that goes to your Main AC Panel with circuit breakers. Panle has a main breaker and the individual breakers for: Microwave, A/C Unit (compressor/fan), Fridge electric heater, Water heater electric element, TVs, outlets.....and AC power to converter/charger (it converts AC to DC to feed 12V DC System and charge battery)
Other system is the 12V DC System.....DC power from battery (when NOT hooked up to AC Power Source) OR DC Power from converter (when hooked up to AC Power Source).
Converter/charger is behind DC Dist. Panel (Can be same location as AC Panel) It has DC Fuses that feed DC Power to individual circuits for: Lights, water pump, t-stat for A/C Unit and Furnace, the furnace, vent fans, control circuits for fridge and water heater.
Basic Block Diagram for RV AC & DC..hope this helps you understand your electrical systems.