Forum Discussion

Dutch_Dolly's avatar
Aug 12, 2015

Noisy Refrigerator

We bought a 2016 Rockwood Windjammer and the refrigerator is part of one of the 3 slides. It is very noisy - especially if someone is sleeping on the couch. The place we bought it from said that's normal because of how the fan is situated in the slide. Has anyone figured out anything that can be done to rectify this?
  • Unfortunately that's the nature of the beast when the frig is in the slide...the vent turns 90 degres out the side and thus needs a fan for cooling the coils.

    The fan is thermostatically controlled and might not run continuously in cooler weather..

    Frigs that are not in slides have the vent stack going straight up through the roof and are this less susceptible to over heating.
  • My sister just bought a 2016 rockwood also and that was the first thing I noticed, the fridge is very loud.
  • AN Absorption fridge requires good air flow (DRAFT) up/thru/across tubes/coils on backside of fridge to cool properly.

    Roof top vent with a lower side wall vent will provide a natural draft (like a fireplace & chimney)

    Rv Fridge in a slide out does not have as good of a natural draft with top/bottom side wall vents so fan(s) are used to provide more air flow.

    These fan(s) (some use 1/some 2) are mounted center line mid aand just above the absorber tubes (large slanted tubes towards bottom of fridge).
    It/they are controlled by a thermalfuse (t-stat) that is attached to far right fin of condenser (fins on top section of fridge).
    Typical temps would be 130*F fin temp----Fan ON and 115*F fin temp--Fan OFF

    Really cheap bushing fans are used (vs good gearing fan) so they are LOUD.

    If you remove upper sidewall vent and look down you should be able to see fan(s)
    Might even be able to reach ......if so a better quality computer fan could be swapped out. Otherwise fridge would have to be pulled out of opening...not all the way but enough to access fan.

    Glad they are installing fan....really makes a difference in fridges ability to cool BUT which they would use fan that is better quality vs cheap junk.

    NORMAL.....only in the fact that most all of them are noisy, that MFGs use cheap junk, that owners are routinely told it is normal BUT for the price of RVs should not be and NO owners should not accept that as Normal.

    Lousy, low rate junk quality is not normal unless owners just go along with it/accept it as that is what is considered normal.

    Tell your Dealer to swap out that junk is noisy. It is of low quality.
    Dealer squawks......then ask them if that is what Rosewood quality is too be know by. Low cheap junk???
  • Yep, the fan that came in my camper's fridge from the factory was loud. I went to a computer supply store, and bought a new, bigger, and apparently better quality fan, and it's so quiet most of the time I have to really listen for it to hear it. I also mounted it with soft rubber between it and the mounting surface to try to isolate any noise or vibration.