Forum Discussion

LeBout's avatar
May 08, 2013

Not super impressed with Dometic fridge controls

Our last TT did not have a Dometic fridge but our current one does. I must say, I'm not that impressed with the controls. We're getting ready to leave on Friday for a 3000+ mile jaunt so I went out to turn on the fridge (plugged into shore power). The only way I can tell if the fridge is running is to go outside and put my ear up against the backside of the unit so I can hear the compressor.

For starters, the distance between the ON and OFF setting is SO SMALL that I can barely tell which position the button is in. Secondly, when I'm NOT on Gas, the AUTO light does not light up (which I assume it should). Anyone have the same lame controls?

  • I'm on A/C and have the gas valve turned OFF at the tank. Fridge "appears" to be running (I have tested it before and it cooled just fine) but the AUTO light is NOT on.

    My comment about the buttons is that the distance between the pressed and released position is very small...thus challenging to see which position it's in by looking directly at the button.
  • Agreed. Both buttons have very little difference in either position. The auto light is what I use to determine if the frig is on. I don't "force" it to be on gas, so I leave it in "auto" position - and light comes on when the frig gets turned on.
  • I wouldn't mind a color LED just to see if things are working, but if I need to check power, I open the lower door, and check the light, or to check cold, I check the back plate in the freezer.

    Of course, I view it as "no news is good news"... it isn't nice to see the check light on.

    I always leave my fridge on gas when I'm using the rig. It keeps the spiders guessing.
  • I have the same and it works "OK" for us. I agree that the buttons could stick out farther but I'm ok with the fact that there is no wasted energy going to energize a light when it's on gas-only because that's generally when I'm dry camping and using a genny. OTOH, I wouldn't have minded if there would have been a different color LED for each function including the gas only mode.
    But yours is working the same way ours does in that the LED is not on when set to run just on gas.
  • My Dometic refer has been flawless for 8 years. Same controls as yours. I have to assume one of two things. Either you have a LED burned out or your on gas only? When i turn mine on it initially looks for electricity to run. If its not present it switches to gas and the display indicates what is being used for a heat source. Not sure what you mean by the off/on control position is so small. It is afterall only a push button on/off. The other button in your picture is fuel source selection. Auto/gas only. Set that switch to auto and leave it alone unless you are running a generator while boon docking. Then switch to gas only.
  • No compressor on these fridges so not sure what you are hearing. On A/C it would be silent. On LP you may hear the flame.

    I have the same controls. Pretty easy if you ask me. If the unit is on, the Auto LED will light. If it has a problem lighting on LP, the Check LED will light.

    If the auto led is not on, you may have the gas button pressed and the fridge is not in auto mode?