Whenever can...purchase digital clocks with analog faces
So much info is lost with digital faces
At a glance...can see the positioning in reference to the rest of the dial. With
a digital face...just a number and have to noodle is it half, 1/4, 3/4, etc and
much more
Hope folks do know that we live in an analog world....not digital...right?
As for automatic trannies...anyone ever really step back and listen to the
directions of all of the comments of automatic trannies?
What is Tow/Haul?
Should I use Tow/Haul?
Should I lock out OD?
Should I worry if I don't use Tow/Haul?
Why should they even ask...it is an "AUTOMATIC", or do they NOT understand the
definition of what an "AUTOMATIC" means?
We are also moving into a generation who does NOT know what a "red-line" means...
That started with the "idiot lights" instead of gauges in the dash...