Forum Discussion

K-9_HANDLER's avatar
Jun 19, 2016

Oil usage in Ford 6.8 V10

Using about 1/2 qt or so every 3K miles. Around 100K miles on the clock. Was wondering if others are seeing similar. Did some online checking and it appears that my consumption is deemed within normal parameters. Plugs look perfect.
  • I don't have a Ford V10, however my 6.0 GMC with 79K on it will only consume oil when pulling a lot. I have lost about 1 qt between changes before if I tow a lot during that cycle. If not then its full, my 02 6.0 did the same.
  • I would consider that oil consumption normal, especially if many of the 3K miles, are towing miles.

    I've never had a 6.8, but owned many Fords over the years, that used about the same oil amount as yours. Mine had less miles on the clock than yours when I traded, but never had any major engine issues, and oil consumption never got worse.
