bought an 89, Ford F250 in 89, came WITHOUT a spare, got one from a junk yard for $25. Had the chrome package so had bumpers front and rear. and yes I do remember the old days, but pick ups were then work trucks not cars. Folks towed an old masonite trailer from fla to az with a 47 caddie forget how long it took, but mom and dad took turns driving, stopped at roadside rest to sleep/cook whatever, very few if any 'facilities' like now a days. didn't pull a trailer but my dad rigged a motorcycle axle to a hitch and would pull front wheel off his m/c and lift it up onto the axle mount. 52 nash rambler wagon, went everywhere in that ugly ol thing, really moved up in world in 59 when they gt a 55 pontiac chieftan. that car took us around the world just about. yes 19cent gas, (put gulftain in the pontiac and it would barely run!) 2bbl, v8 about 170 hp, bigger than the ol chebby 283 with a couple more hp.