Cheyenps wrote:
I had a '99 F-250 with the low-line bench seat and it was terrible.
Replaced it with an '00 F-350 and the low line bench seat in that one was one of the most comfortable of any truck I've ever owned.
IDK what year it was but I do know in 99 the bench seat back was not adjustable and stood to straight up and down for me. My 06 that I drive now has the same seat but the back is adjustable and man what a difference.
OP, I have always loved the Ford Captain seats with the fold down arms. I had a 93 that had them and my BIL has an 05 with them. I think they are about the most comfy seat in a pick up. They are right there with a Bostrom or Legacy seat riding in a stretched Pete 379.:B