Now you got me started! Soap box alert!
I understand the need to consider the environment and in no way support deletes and tuning for the sole purpose of bumping up horsepower and increasing rates of fueling to make a truck go faster and spew soot, but the damage to engine reliability caused by the emission equipment and the cost's of the poorly engineered emission control equipment being passed onto the end-user by both the OEM manufacturers and the government regulations is criminal.
Seeing the fact that my truck's fuel economy is about 33% poorer than a pre-emission truck and a further 33% worse during regeneration phases which occur as frequently as every 150-175 miles while towing causes me to question whether there truly is any overall benefit to the environment not to mention the blue smoke screen that I lay down during the initial phase of a regeneration cycle.
On top of the poor day to day fuel economy if you ignore the "drive to clean your exhaust filter" messages and shutdown your engine prior to the completion of a regen you will do permanent cumulative damage to both your dpf filter and engine. Having to arbitrarily drive further to prevent engine damage further uses extra fuel once again damaging the environment. Can we respectfully have any faith that these post 2008 trucks are benefiting the environment at all?
Owner operators have gone bankrupt and fleet operators have had to purchase extra trucks and tractors simply because they can't keep enough of them running with all the poorly designed emissions equipment.
Not withstanding laws in most jurisdictions that make it illegal to tamper with emission's equipment on any vehicle HoneEagle is correct in Ontario with our mandated Emission testing protocol it is a mine field for anyone considering deleting the emissions equipment.
Emission's testing protocols varying in Ontario by GVWR and as such make it possible for some vehicle owner's to run deleted and technically pass the e-test with careful tuning.
Soap box off!