Forum Discussion

Halfmast's avatar
Mar 23, 2015

Opening Day Jitters

Last year when I retired, rented out my house and decided to Full-time-it not having camped since I was a teenager, I did a lot of research. I researched everything but winterizing. I live in the South and planned on traveling so that I never encountered cold climes. Well, the best laid plans....

My mother, who lives in Canada, took ill and I have spent the past five months - November through March - up there shivering and paying 13% sales tax while she recuperated. (Shingles)

My TT was stored in the Atlanta area, and in my rush to head north, was more abandoned than winterized. I returned this past weekend and am in a nearby RV Park. More by virtue of blind luck than skill, my only 'winterizing' issue is that I did not leave the fridge/freezer doors open and have some mildew.

My problem though - and my question - is that I am having a terrible time getting organized/acclimatized/comfortable. I've gone from a place for everything and everything in its place, to a surprise behind every door. I'm tripping over the anti-sway bar because it's been raining and I haven't folded the trailer cover which is stuffed into the truck bed. Who was the dunce who replaced only two of the light fixtures with LED bulbs last year?

Is it just my skill set - or lack thereof - or do others (who don't use their campers all winter) have the same issues with Opening Day?