DutchmenSport wrote:
So ... before another day passes, why not take the time right NOW and get everything right! Put that cover away correctly, store those bars where the really belong. Get it all cleaned up, put up, stowed away, and ready for use. A couple good hours of "cleaning up" will do you wonders!
After every trip DW and myself put the camp back just the way it's suppose to be for the next trip. We do this before we even leave the park. I never understand those that just "throw" everything into the rig, close the door then drive home???
I all fairness though we do camp during the winter(yes up here in the cold!) so we never really have an "opening day" because the camper has been in storage for the past 6 months.
Spend some time and put everything back where it belongs.........you'll thank yourself when you go looking for something and it's where it's suppose to be ;)