I am going to use my 1/2 inch rubber mat that I use now. Do you run the camper all the way to the headache rack. I was thinking you had space there to store some items. Also the rack is wide and sometimes the corners stick out and would contact the TC. I have noticed this on some beds. I was thinking of bolting a channel across the bed to hold the TC from going forward anymore from where I want it. From my measurements of the TC it seems like I can set the camper on about 8 1/2 feet of bed. If I get the standard 9.3 foot bed I would have 9 inches left between the front of the camper and the headache rack. Or I could just set the camper on the back 8 feet of the bed and have 15 inches of space between the two. Maybe I can get them to build me a 10ft bed. not sure with the short frame.