I have all 2ga wiring and 150A breakers at each power source in my setup. From the truck on a constant duty 200A solenoid and circuit breaker runs charging power to left lower box where I have a power terminal strip/buss bar. From this strip are all my other connections:
1. Five batteries in the lower left compartment through a circuit breaker
2. Five batteries in the lower right compartment through a circuit breaker
3. Anderson connector to the end of my SuperTruss for my future trailer power bank
4. Anderson connector to the end of the SuperHitch for my camper power connection
The camper has 150A breaker off the batteries before going to a distribution point in the generator compartment. An Anderson connector is hung off this distribution point and ties into the connector on the SuperHitch. The 7-pin plug still has the power pin active and I see no reason to disable it.
To remove or load the camper is the same as before except for that additional Anderson connector. The camper can charge the batteries in the truck house batteries via solar, generator or shore power.
The truck vehicle batteries are constantly connected via 7-pin power but switched on the 2ga. If I ever see a need to completely isolate the vehicle batteries, I can add a switch to my external 7-pin wire harness or just keep it simple and unplug from the vehicle. Since solar charging keeps at least a trickle, I have not found a reason for isolation and welcome the maintenance charge on the truck.