Got back from FL on Sunday. 2100 miles total. The truck handles very well. My 16 truck was good but this is way better. Just feels a lot more stable. I filled up in SC and we had full water and empty gray and black. 3 adults and food etc. 16,660 total. 5160 front.and 11500 rear.
Way under all the specs but I figured I would be. Camper sits higher on this truck but not a big deal for me. I have to reach a little higher to un lock it. My computer showed 8.6mpg for the trip. I did not check by hand. With 74 gallons on board I can go a long ways. I really like that I can pick where to buy fuel from.
We stopped in WV at Tamarack for the first night, cold with a little snow but the furnace kept us warm. Second night was FL/GA line. Warmer but still ran the furnace some. Stayed at Fort Wilderness and used there electric for heat and hot water. Heat not needed that much.
Got to visit with our son who is in the DCP this semester. He is doing well and having fun.
I am going with the same tool boxes that Bedlam has. They are ordered and should be here next week. I never had so many people stop by and ask questions about the TC or the truck. I have stayed here many times in 3 different MH. A few questions here and there. This trip, everybody had questions about the truck etc...