I used the 6-step 25" wide Torklift GlowStep Revolution A8106 along with the Adapter Bracket A8022 and two pieces of band steel to interface the Host to Torklift. You can Google these part numbers to get the best price and any big box hardware store has the band steel.
https://www.torklift.com/rv/glowstep-revolutionThe same from Sherptek ready to bolt on is about $750, so you have to decide if you want cut two bands to size and drill four holes in each or just buy a full ready made kit.
https://sherptek.com/buyonline/glowstepadapterkitIf you are looking at retail pricing, the Sherptek kit is less expensive. If you are handy with basic tools and good at finding Internet deals and discounts, you can save about $100 off their price. I sold my used folding 4-step assembly locally for $125 which also can help offset the price of this upgrade.