DutchmenSport wrote:
ktmrfs and I have shared a bit about our Outbacks. His is a couple years older than mine. Some time ago, he told me the only difference between the 295RE (his) and mine (298RE is the closet slide in the bed room). I do know the Outback has been around a while now. Their popularity is growing in central Indiana over the last few years. Their 5th wheel models aren't too shabby either.
ktmrfs ... I follow your post and comments if you didn't know! I appreciate your comments, you are pretty much always right on, or else we just think alike (I'm not sure). I think, maybe, because we PM'ed each other right after I got my Outback and you provided some really good insight and calmed my anxieties. You convinced me, the Outback is a good camper, and ever since I just took that as a positive and never looked negative again. I suppose it paid off (positive thinking about my Outback... because I've not had any issues with mine!)
So, camperforlife.... I think you're considering a pretty good camper! Feel confident and move on forward!

thanks much, glad to be of help to fellow campers.
And yes, the 298RE is a 295RE with a bedroom wardrobe slide and about 1ft longer overall to get room for the slide. bedroom is about 1ft longer. And about 200lb more empty weight, but the same allowed cargo weight. they increased GVWR.
We bought our 295RE about 2 months before the 298 came out. I mentioned to the sales guy, the only thing we would like improved was more wardrobe and storeage space in the Bedroom. He said, well let me show you what just came out. Missed it by a few months. But it was an indication that Outback was listening to customers.
ONE downside to the 295/298, and many other trailers this size, regardless of mfg is that they usually come with ONE 13.5KBTU AC unit. That can be pretty marginal. Even in Oregon where it isn't that hot in the summer (except last summer) A single 13.5K AC unit works pretty hard.
If your in a hot climate, go for at least the 15K unit, if not the dual AC unit or Dual unit prep that is offered.
Well, the other downside it that the length can limit ones choice of campsites and campgrounds, but that's a tradeoff on virtually all longer trailers.