Forum Discussion

Camsmom's avatar
Aug 19, 2016

Outdoor Shower

Does anyone use their outdoor shower when camping with no sewer. Any ideas for rigging something up for privacy. Going to be at the Michigan race, not sure what showers are like there. No grey water tote, seems expensive to get one just for our once a year trip to the track. We have an oxygenic head we could put on our outside shower, husband built a nice cedar 2'x2' platform, but what about privacy.
Any ideas?
  • Make sure the shower tent has a floor (that vents the water) your weight keeps it secure.
    If you choose to just rig up a tarp and a strong wind hits like a rogue wave on 'Deadliest Catch' , your neighbors will probably remember you.
  • Stop at Walmart and get a shower tent. My shower tent came from Sportsmans Guide.
  • We have only used it once and it was when we were staying at an atv park and came back covered in mud each time.
    We rigged something up with shower curtain and auctions cup with some pvc pipe.
    Helped that our slide out was right there
    Definitely was not fancy.

  • Check with the raceway, I know they frown on outdoor showers at a lot of the tracks. They use the term 'self contained' a lot.
  • google camping showers > gander mountain, cabela's, dicks sporting, bass pro any big sporting box store,etc

    they have a plethora of portable camping showers from a couple of bucks for a just a camping privacy area up to expensive almost complete showers! :C
  • Get some sort of platform to elevate you off the ground and a form of curtain and have it. I am sure there are those that did that.
  • We use ours for washing sand off and showering the kids. We just let the water run onto the ground. Adults shower indoors