TKW wrote:
We bought a used Timber Ridge last year. Like most TTs, may be with a few exceptions, it has its share of problems. From my short time of ownership, I discovered a dozen of issues. Some are minor, and some are not so much. There're equipment failure that has nothing to do with the TT's workmanship. And there are design errors from day one that factory had wash its hand due to the one year warranty expiration.
Overall, I would give it a passing grade. Will I buy another ORV? I'm not too sure. Don't get me wrong. It's an upgrade from my last TT which I owned for 19 years and sold as a restoration project. But it is far from getting a perfect grade, at least from me.
BTW, if you go to IRV2 forum and look for ORV owners section, you can see there are very happy owners and there are also owners with issues.
That is the thing that gets me...You look for Months it seems...Different models, manufacturers, etc. In depth, I have looked at Coleman, Jayco, Starcraft, Outdoors RV, and Retro by Riverside RV. I have also looked at many other trailer models by other companies in my range of price and floorplan. But when it comes down to it, who do you listen to when it comes to advice on a trailer purchase?
You have the owners who would like to call in an airstrike on the company that made their trailer due to all the problems they have had. Then you have the owners who would defend their particular trailer builder to the death, singing high praise of their home on wheels.
So what do you do? Do you go with the few (who are usually the loudest) who have had nothing but problems or the ones who believe their trailer is the best thing since sliced bread.
I know I am beating the dead horse...but it still is a question that many will ask. Guess it is just one of those things where when you have done all the reading you can, you just have to jump.