As others have said that is too much trailer. To better figure out what you can tow, load your TV up with all passengers, pets and gear you intend to have in it and then go weigh it w/ a full tank of fuel. Take the scaled weight and subtract it from the TV GCWR to get your adjusted towing capacity. Take the scaled weight and subtract it from the TV GVWR to get your available payload. You need to stay under both of these weights as well as under your receiver rating with all of your loaded weights. The loaded tongue weight must be subtracted from the available payload.
As you know you will never tow a dry trailer. Not knowing how much you will load in it you are safest doing all calculations using the TT GVWR. Tongue weight should be 13-15% of the loaded trailer weight (again you can figure Max tongue weight to be 15% of the TT gvwr). This should help you figure out where you should be looking on trailer weights.