Gdetrailer. GREAT POST! I am stunned by how much **** gets pushed as "a great way to hack the cost of housing" anymore.
We spent the winter in a low cost area of Florida. We were near a family of five young kids, in a brand new, low end gas calls A. The economics of the whole thing were beyond stupid. The park was almost $600/month and three bedroom houses in the area were renting for 1100. By the time the monthly nut on the rig and the lot rent were paid, it was far more expensive to stick these poor kids in a park full of seniors, that to get them into a nice house in a nice neighborhood, with some stability.
One a related note, some idiot just wrote an article in our local paper about how the elderly should sell their homes,build THEIR OWN tiny house (as a DIY project with friends) and enjoy the magic of life on the road. That whole idea is so flawed, I wouldn't even know where to start, when it comes to a "WTH are you thinking?" response. Turns out the writer attended a local tiny homes show, and decided to whip up a piece for the paper, without a single moment spent thinking about the mess created by any poor fool who follows his advice.
let's not even get started with the clowns that have their blogs about how they have it all figured out, since the are young hipsters living in a new RV, with a loan that's only a few hundred a month. Sure it is, but the loan is for 20 years, and your mass market, low end fifth wheel that you are fulltiming in, will be a worthless, worn out pile of uselessness, long before that last payment is due.