Forum Discussion

Forrest13's avatar
Apr 14, 2018

Owner Financing

Hi Folks,
I need help with an owner financed trailer. I recently had to close my business that tanked my credit score. I recently have gone to work that requires me to travel. I would really like to pull a trailer to these sites. I am asking for an individual that may be interested in selling and financing a late model trailer. I am able to put a small down payment and the pay up to 1000.00 per month. If there is anyone willing please email me back. Thank you, Bob
  • Love the way some folks here assume they know what is best for the OP. Some should keep your opinions to yourself and just answer the questions.
    Can't fix rude people.
    Just my opinion.
    Trash me if you think you know better.
  • For a seller, this would only make sense under one basic scenario.
    Seller has an old trailer that is actually worth around $1,000 to $2,000 just sitting, gathering dust and is not important to the seller's financial situation. The seller sells it to the buyer for $5,000+ and gets $1000 down. Now, the seller has minimal risk and significant upside. This is how the "tote the note" car dealers operate. Have maximum upside and minimum money on the street. Most even take it a step further and require weekly payments, so the buyer can't get too far away. But even in these transactions the seller gets a lot of personal information, verifies residence, gets personal references and the like so they can track down the seller in the likely event they start missing payments.
    The seller MUST take all the steps necessary to legally transfer the title and secure a lien. NEVER hold the title until the balance is paid. If an accident should happen the seller would still be on the hook and liable for any claims. Ditto for traffic tickets etc.
    Personally, it wouldn't be worth the effort and risk to make at most a few thousand dollars. I would just dispose of the $1000 rig and be done because I know that most of these deals never pay to anywhere close to maturity and most of that hoped for profit is going to be vaporware.
  • Ralph Cramden wrote:
    Forrest13 wrote:
    Hi Folks,
    I recently have gone to work that requires me to travel. I would really like to pull a trailer to these sites.

    If the OP ever comes back after being read the riot act without knowing all the facts, I would like to know if maybe he has a free spot to park this trailer at the jobs he will be traveling to. That's the way I took the statement in his post above, construction maybe. In that case living in an RV may be the best financial decision.

    You're not going to live in Amy hotel for $1000 per month unless it's a total dump.

    That was what I thought too. A lot of folks jump to conclusions around here...