Forum Discussion

Fayemcc1's avatar
Apr 20, 2016

Owner Manual needed for 1989 Glendale Golden Falcon

Hi, new to this forum. We just purchased a 1989 Glendale Golden Falcon. Love it, but are in need of an owners manual/schematic/floorplan diagrams. Will to pay for time and effort to scan/copy/email.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Get pen and paper
    ID ALL components/Appliances/Equipment by BRAND/MODEL

    Then Goggle each one ------specific (Atwood G6a-3E Water Heater Service Manual)
    Print out Service Manual and place in 3 ring binder

    Now you have a Service Manual Binder for the specific items in your trailer

    RV MFG. 'owners manuals' are very generic
    Unlike some of the MH MFGs. where they have schematics/diagrams
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    RV MFG. 'owners manuals' are very generic

    Ditto. The manual (if one even exists) won't tell a whole lot of specific information. Schematics? LOL. RV manufacturers are even worse at wiring and following diagrams than they are at building RVs.

    I've never even heard of your brand of RV.
  • trail-explorer wrote:
    Old-Biscuit wrote:
    RV MFG. 'owners manuals' are very generic

    Ditto. The manual (if one even exists) won't tell a whole lot of specific information. Schematics? LOL. RV manufacturers are even worse at wiring and following diagrams than they are at building RVs.

    I've never even heard of your brand of RV.

    This was manufactured in Ontario, Canada. They were quite well known back in the day... And still today... Manuals do exist... Just need to find one.
  • Hello; If you are still looking for a manual, you could try Ottawa Camping Centre in Ottawa , Ontario. They used to sell Glendette which was an identical unit to the Golden Falcon, just a different brand that Glendale produced. Ottawa Camping Centre sold them back in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Unfortunately Glendale RV closed during the last economic downturn back in 2010. They were very well made trailers and many are still in active service. Many of the components in your Golden Falcon will still be available from the component manufacturers. Hope this helps. I am a Glendale Enthusiast since 1977 and even had the chance to meet the original founder back in the late 80's and had a tour of their factory back in the late 70's. We had a 1978 Glendette 290 Travel Trailer.


    google is your freind, I hope yours is in there
  • Hi Everyone, I too have a glendale 14 ft golden falcon and am having a few problems . first, i am unable to find a date, second after doing exhaustive searches am not able to find anything and i mean anything on this camper, not even a pic of it online. my model is 414 lightweight. . any help on this would be much appreciated. i am currently looking for wiring diagrams as well as floor plans of this one. thanks in advance