Forum Discussion

LacyAnn's avatar
Jul 31, 2013

Owner's Manual Needed, Please Help!

My dad recently purchased a used 1994 Fleetwood Wilderness travel trailer. This is his first travel trailer so he is anxious to understand the workings and general set up of it. The owner's manual was not included and I have searched the internet but to no avail. One site claimed to have a PDF of the owner's manual, after registering and paying a fee, the manual was no where to be found :M I have also called Fleetwood's company explaining the predicament, they were unable to help and all dealers that i have called do not have one and do not know of anyone who has one. We are willing to pay anyone for the manual itself or even a paper copy or PDF of one. If anyone knows where i can find one or has one they are willing to sell or copy, please let me know. Thank you!
  • About eleven years too late. The trailer in the post is probably long gone.

  • Thank you all so much for the great advice. I struggled to find anything for this model as Fleetwood went bankrupt in 09 and now only deal RV's which made the previous manuals for travel trailers obsolete. Coincidentally enough, I no longer posted this and the manuals were found in a cabinet. I'm too short to reach the cabinet they were in so I had no clue what if anything was in there. The consensus came back that the manuals really do not help as much as he thought and as some of you said. I really appreciate you all responding with tips and ideas. I really can't say thank you enough to all of you! Happy Travels!
  • I've never had an owner's manual for any RV be it TT or MH. All I've ever had was a bag or folder with the manuals for each appliance, the jacks, furnace, A/C, radio, etc.
    Maybe start looking up (online) the various manufacturers and model numbers of each appliance.

  • 2oldman wrote:
    You may be better off just finding a trailering friend to give you a walk thru. Owner's manuals aren't all that great.

    I agree. Very little useful information in them. You are better to get someone who has a trailer to walk through with you and show you how things work.
  • Are you ure it's a Fleetwood Wilderness travel trailer. It appears Fleetwood only made motor homes.
    • Kdtodd's avatar

      Yes we actually have an 89 YUKON Wilderness by Fleetwood, painted right in the front. We are having the same problem, the vin # is so worn on the sticker on the right front outside only can see model CD-121 & then a model # on a handle by the back bedroom door that says Model 29L.

      idk if my husband is certain it is an 88 or 89 or 28-29 ft long?


      We would love to have as much info & details as possible as we are repairing & updating..

  • This RV manual will cover alot of what he will need to know.

    Other manuls are available through the manufacturer and are usually free on line, just search by manufacturer and model no.

    The manual for the model of his RV may never exsisted.
  • Bad news is, owner's manuals are very hard to come by for units that age.

    Good news is, most are pretty much useless anyway!

    An owner's manual is typically really generic in nature and tells one very little about the guts/works of the trailer itself. Don't expect a wiring diagram or anything that technical...

    Fortunately, all/most of the working components were/are covered by separate warranties, and manuals for those are readily available on the web. Just search by manufacturer/model as given on whatever it is you're trying to understand (fridge, furnace, what-have-you).

    Good luck!
  • You may be better off just finding a trailering friend to give you a walk thru. Owner's manuals aren't all that great.