I've been a marine service tech for almost 40 years and use Awgrip extensively We painted both our boats from the waterline to the masthead and that was several years ago. Both boats still look like new. Like any surface, how you care for it matters as to how long it lasts. You can not buff or use wax on Awlgrip. But there is a specific sealer to use and if applied once a year, the finish will past a very long time and look like new. If you plan to paint, use only Awlgrip products. For fiberglass, you will need at least two coats of 545 primer. Sand between each coat. Prep is the secret to a good finish. How well you do your prep work determines how well the finished project will look. At least three coats of the topcoat will be needed. We rolled our entire boats with the small white sponge rollers that are hot-dog shaped. If you get the technique down, no tipping is needed. Several boatyards that spray Awlgrip could not tell it was rolled on. You can practice on the first two coats since again you will need to sand between. But get it right for the final coat. No moisture can accumulate on the surface until the paint dries. There is an accelerator that helps with this. If done properly, it will look like new and last for many years. So your choice. You can download application instructions online. It isn't cheap, but a little goes a long way since your not laying it on thick. If you know someone that can spray it for you, even better yet. Chuck