johnhealey1776 wrote:
Yes, screws go vertical up above the rubber. If that edge is separating, you might be in for more than you are bargaining for. When i rebuilt mine, the wood in the front was rotten,and i replaced it but there was not much solid left up there so Instead of going nuts on it I eternabond taped the hell out of it and made aluminum brackets to gusset the corner together that i bolted through. Seemed to have worked well! Make sure you get all the screws out, that track bends easily.
Thanks for the caution on the bending of the drip track. I am hoping I do not have to remove the whole length of drip edge to repair it as it is still securely fastened for much of its length.
Could you provide a picture of the aluminum brackets that you installed to gusset the corner together. I am not pleased with the plastic right angle brackets used on the corners. There are no fasteners going through the plastic corner brackets into the drip edges to hold them together and give it strength at the corners. I was planning to put aluminum pop rivets through the plastic corner brackets and into the aluminum drip edge to achieve this (what is your thoughts).