It is a matter of how long you can wait to sell each piece, and how much work you'll put intoit, if you want topart it out yourself. Salvage yards may have a TT 5-10 years, selling piece by piece, before they give up on it and scrap what's left as too old to have a market.
If you are thinking of selling the whole thing for parts, coolecting up front, then you are down to a salvage value, probably much lower than your loan balance, because the salvage operator has to consider time value of money, in addition to labor, storage, and selling costs, as he parts it out over 5-10 years.
If you are looking at what you might get parting out over a few months, it will likely be just a little bit of the low hanging fruit, the few parts of high value and demand, like complete working appliances. Youmay have to sell cheap to sell fast.