Forum Discussion

rvshrinker's avatar
Explorer III
Mar 15, 2019

Permanent propane tank for RV home storage?

I’m going to put up a shed for my 28’ TT. We live in a mild climate and use the trailer even in winter but it does freeze sometimes at night. Is it feasible to put up a permanent propane tank on site, so I don’t have to keep track of the portable tanks and worry about them running out if, for example, I am on vacation?

Anyone tried this? We have no HOA restrictions or anything but our county doesn’t allow people to live in the trailer for more than 60 days per year, so they may balk but it’s at least worth a shot perhaps. We also will be putting in a dump, electricity, and water as our guests usually stay in the trailer.
  • GrandpaKip wrote:
    Lots of semi-permanent campers have large (100 gallons or more) tanks set up outside the camper.
    Though I would think electric would be cheaper.

    I’m sorry I’m so dumb, but I thought the heat reqired propane? I plan to install electricity anyway. Is there a way to run the heat with 50A shore power?
  • This is my high pressure adapter for the BBQ with a El (for hose routing considerations) and a shutoff valve. Note: The top external tank port came with the adapter. The BBQ connector is the standard 1lb 1" screw on propane bottle type.

    Click For Full-Size Image.
  • Lots of semi-permanent campers have large (100 gallons or more) tanks set up outside the camper.
    Though I would think electric would be cheaper.
  • I feel that I may know the area you're referring to and have seen several sites for sale with just what you are planning. The odds are the only government restriction has to do with protecting the tank from damage by a vehicle or such.

    As midnightsadie said, call the local propane company and get prices.
  • just call your local pp dealer tell them you need a 300gal tank ,should be no problem we have one for our dog kennel. p.s 300gal goes a long way. you don,t need a they install free just pay for first fill. northeast ohio.