AnEv942 wrote:
Yup, p/b broke the internet. Suprised you only now were notified. There is no 'fix' to continue seeing the linked p/b pictures unless you pay the ransom fee. There are many options moving forward. Requires effort on your part to change links from p/b to new host site.
Initially I opened an account with, free simple IF you have a backup of photos stored on p/b. IMO The provided Imgur quick link works for simple one time uploads, but to access again, storing etc an account should be opened. I have multiple photo backups but I was able to download all albums from p/b to keep album structure. (It appears, at least on my p/b account, now you cant even download entire albums? insult to injury).
However I ended up also going to Primarily, though cost involved, it keeps original file names which simplifies re-linking older posts.
On older threads that are closed that you cant edit, there is no 'fix' to keep pictures alive.
Threads that are not closed and you can edit, you can relink pictures to new current host.
There was a fix that I posted and it worked for last few weeks, but looks like as of yesterday PB fired back with new software.
As always there is hackers war who will get ahead tomorrow.
I uploaded over 300 photos from my vacations on imgur.
The only complain is that they all go on single page, so when you are on slow net, it is taking a while.
Otherwise you can easy enlarge them. That is how PB was years ago, so can we expect imgur will start sending the bill down the road?