Forum Discussion

Gsragtop's avatar
Jun 14, 2014

Picked up my TT, questions ?? And dealer stories

Well I picked up the Conquest i posted in another post today, and towed her home.. Figured you guys would get a kick out of some of the camper stories I already have, and I also have some questions I will ask further below..

First lets start with the paper work,we sit down in F&I and at this point I had already signed a buyers order and payment sheet (stating what my monthly would be).. Long story short I get to f&i and the mgr tells me my payment is going to be $14 higher a month then I was quoted on the paper i signed. I ask why, and he looks all confused and starts looking into it., the sales manager had made some kind of error and the sales price was not the same on both sheets (I had nit noticed this eaither).. So without even pushing the f&i guy lowers the price of the sales unit but around $1,000 and gets our payment within $3 of the original quote.. Not wanting to rock the boat, I signed as fast as I could.. Lol.. I fully expect to get called back, but we will see. I was feeling better about the purchase now..

Trailer light issues- the tech hooks up out van to the trailer no lights, after some diag turns out the light controller on the van was bad.. They replaced it for free even though it was not there issue !! Now my faith is fully restored in this dealer.. Tech was super nice and did a great walk around with us. Then it turns out the brake controller they hooked up for is one of this new wireless units, so we can easily switch two vehicles if we want in the future..

The hitch they gave us is a WD with sway control hitch and I tell you what, our little Kia van (which we are using as a two vehicle at least temporarily) towed awesome. 20 miles on I-95 and no sway and no white knuckles at all.

Now for some questions, the van when left in D seemed to stay in 4th and not up shift to 5th.. When manually up shifted I had issues keeping speed and it felt very sluggish, is I guess 4th is the way to go. We still did 65 easily.. I'm guessing this is an over drive thing, what do you guys think??

Brakes felt fine most of the time, however once in the drive while coming to a light I felt like the trailer brakes were engaging then disengaging then engaging again.. Is this normal on a long brake??

We are going to add an aux trans cooler and temp gauge I think, any recommendations ??

Last question has to do with the wall mounted AC in the unit and condensation. While parked all was dry and good, however after I got home I has water on the floor. I know its condensation water. Is this normal for a wall mounted TT's AC?? Is there a way to avoid this happening in the future ??

Thanks in advance
  • Almost forgot, before it even pulled the trailer out of the work bay.. I broke something.. The fire extinguisher bracket, tripped on it while stowing a box for travel home.. They replaced it for free, but it's gonna be a problem I think.
  • Nice little 19' Conquest BH. Congrats on the new TT and even at a more discounted price!

    If you are keeping your van as the primary Tv you will definitely want an auxiliary Trans cooler, gauge is optional but a good is normal for if to sty in 4th since more than likely 5th is overdrive. I would also recommend at keeping 65mph as your max speed based on the fact tht almost all ST trailer tires are only rated for max of 65 mph.

    Take your time and enjoy the new TT! I hope you and your family enjoy using it a great deal!