I have come to realize to stay legal with my current truck with even the smallest truck camper made is impossible. Even pop-ups would put me over. Seems crazy but it's the facts. So, this (truck camper idea) is a dead deal until I figure out what to do next. The whole basis of doing the truck camper thing was to have a totally different RV experience and it was easy to do as I already had the truck (most expensive part) taken care of. Well, not so much.
Now I am actually considering a very small travel trailer instead. If I could live with the living space of a truck camper, then the new travel trailer could be very small. I wouldn't even now it was back there (weight wise) and with the small length maybe towing it would have very few issues compared to towing my bigger fifth wheel. I was hoping to get away from towing anything at all but it does not seem possible unless I change trucks.
Maybe something similar to this:
I know being in the truck camper forum and talking about trailers is about as bad as it gets. But, I am running out of ideas. A trailer like this would give me WAY more outside storage space and more living space inside. But, parking and issues surrounding that are back into play.