Hi Mike,
I met you in the Eagle Cap 1200 ... nice to meet you and get your welcomed inputs on camper vs. other RV's!
I really liked the EC 1200. Fit and finish was higher than all but one of the other campers I've looked at recently . Just a few little things that would need fixing before buying.
Tacos at $8 weren't really that bad,they were a pleasant surprise over what was expected!
Funny thing is that after looking at RV's for some months it sure is easy to enter a unit and tell immediately if you feel good in it or not!
I still wish Eagle Cap would upgrade a few things ... the plastic overhead non-recessed light fixtures, the plastic bathroom faucets/shower, stainless instead of black galley, 1970's looking thermostat, bug screen for skylight, rain/temp sensing fantastic fan ...
Overall, The EC is still very nice though. I thought because of interior styling I might like a Leisure travel Unity motorhome instead, but the Eagle Cap looked plenty good, the new interior colors are better matched IMO.
The Cirrus TC was also at the show, has a number of interesting design elements. Oh, fit finish wise, didn't spot a single flaw in this camper.