And a good evening to you.....just happened to spot the reference to "old people" who couldn't remove their hitch. I just turned 69, have driven accident free since I started driving when I was 16. In the last 3 years I have started towing about half the time and love it. Have also managed to do it without crises. I have never had the upper body strength to lift our hitch....wouldn't have had when I was 16 either. And....get this....I've never run into a hitch either in a parking lot or our very own driveway and if I did, it would be my fault. So, as respectfully as I can muster, my constructive suggestion is that you "stuff it". With your attitude, you'd better hope you don't get any physical limitations that sometimes come to younger or older folks, you won't get through it. BTW, I fully expect that I will know when the time comes when I should no longer drive....would hate to spoil my perfect record. You should profusely apologize to us "older" folks or to any without the strength to lift heavy objects.