goducks10 wrote:
ScottG wrote:
Personally, I think the design of being under the frame is much stronger and less likely to bend if the hitch hits the ground hard.
I've had both and prefer the latter.
I can understand it being too low for some trucks though.
Arctic Fox with it's "Off road rated frame" alway puts it under.
I dont see any of Northwoods trailers with the A frame under the main frame. Nor on Outdoors RV. Both run the A frsme thru a front frame member. You can see it in the ORV frame video on their site.
I have never seen an under the main frame "A-frame" on any Northwood or ORV unit. I've owned 3 Northwood TTs (a 2003 DF, and 2016 Nash and currently a 2015 Nash), my parents have owned 3, a friend owns one currently, and another friend owned a 2000 22H.... all had the A Frame connected directly inline with the main frame.
I did RV transport for Northwood for a handful of units and never saw an A-frame under the main frame. I kind of hated transporting their units because they sat so tall.