Community Alumni
Sep 10, 2015I remember a while back a guy contacted his manufacturer with a similar type of request and he too was also denied access to the drawings he needed. The company had a policy against providing consumers with that type of information while they are still under warranty. Eventually the guy made it up the chain and finally got what he needed. I'm sure it took a lot of convincing.
It's an understandable policy why not to release or have restrictions on releasing such documents. They've setup a whole network of dealer / service centers across the country ready and qualified to fix any problem, free of charge while under warranty. You can call them have questions answered even after the warranty period. While you may be very capable of interpreting drawings and performing repairs on your rig, there's lots that are not. There's tons of people out there that have no clue on how to properly make simple electrical connections lol. That can turn into a liability issue for the manufacturer.
It would be nice if some manuals had a little more detail. But when you think about it most of the information required by your average consumer could be provided between the manual and PDI. Not a bad idea to show up to a PDI with a camera and pages of questions. You can just about build your own version of a service manual or something close to it.