Gdetrailer wrote:
Might also want to take into consideration the physical size, weight of the panels for storing, moving and setting up..
Higher wattage panels are pretty large to handle and get heavy quick, can make finding a storage space and moving them around a challenge.
Laying them flat on the ground or partially open standing up, while it may work, may not be ideal for max harvest of energy leading to needing even more panels..
our 160w portable panels are about as large and heavy as I want to lug around or have a place to store. so, yes size does matter!
One advantage of portable panels is the ability to aim them for max solar gain, which in most cases means NOT laying them flat on the ground as mentioned, A good starting point is to face the panel south and angle them at about the latitude you are at, an easy way to aim them is to take a round tube (empty TP tube) put stand it on the panel and aim the panel for no shadow from the tube.